Friday, July 24, 2009


People find all sorts of ways to discriminate against each other and skin colour or race is only one of them. There is also gender, socio-economic status, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, place of birth and political alignment. The Nazis hated the Jews, the rich are contempuous of the poor, the dock workers dislike the professors, the BJP loathe the Mohammedans, the West Side don't like the East Side and the Sunni na like the Shiites. The White Russians attacked the Red Russians, the Cubans are vaguely hostile towards Colombians and Melburnians are indifferent to Sydneyians.

Every race of people contains good, decent persons and every race of people contains assholes. Much of any race is in fact a mixture of the two with outliers on each side.

The white race is like any race in this and there is no question that in the past, as now, we have our share of assholes. But I think it is a false generalization to say that 'all Caucasians secretly or subconsciously believe that we are a superior race'. No, not all: some. To say 'all' is to make a racist statement.

Monday, July 13, 2009

It is a fact that all Caucasians--even the most ardent and sincere champions of equality and human rights--secretly, perhaps even subconsciously, believe they are a superior race. The roots of this lie in the semantic outrage perpetrated when they first called themselves “white” on the basis of skin color—whereas, in fact, they are various shades of red (generally, pink)--and all the other races were called “colored”, thereby undermining their humanness. Only an albino can correctly be called white when referring to skin color. The intention then, was clearly to subliminally annex to the word “whites”, attributes, given by other meanings of the word “white” like pure, free from blame, chaste, fair, unadulterated, etc. This subconscious word association is the source, the primary stimulus, from which savages like the ones responsible for the recent racial attacks on Indians, derive their erroneous notion of superiority and their sense of having committed a crime, which could at worst, be described as cruelty to animals. This is also the root cause to which, the ideology of the KKK, and Nazism, can be traced back. The world has come a long way since then, humane and rational Caucasians (the majority), are trying very hard to battle racism, as is the rest of the world, but there's no way to shake this off, this 'a priori' belief of being the only race to be created entirely in “God's own image”, or in other words, "white", "pure", "unadulterated"--the "colored” races are too, only to a lesser degree, the poor sods--this conviction that is bred by the semantics of "white" and "colored". Another point of interest is the fact that gender bias is implicit in the racist mindset, and hence it is rare to find in women, instances of the rabid and violent form of racism prevalent among Caucasian men. Racism, if present among women is thus, more due to influence rather than innate, and confined to a fear or revulsion of other races, or at the opposite and extremist end of the spectrum, a perverse attraction when asserting their independence.

Unless we have a whole new generation of Caucasians who have been uninfluenced by this 'semantic error' and are able to see their skin color as pink--that is, as just another skin color like black, brown, or yellow--the racist mindset shall continue to persist in the underbelly of the psyche, even as humane principles take priority, superficially.